

I'll wait.

"Wait for the man who pursues you, the one who will make an ordinary moment seem magical. The kind of man who brings out the best in you and makes you want to be a better person. Wait for the man who will be your best friend, the person who will drop everything to be with you at anytime of the day no matter what the circumstances, wait for the man who makes you smile and when he smiles you know he needs you. Wait for the man who wants to show you off in sweats and have no makeup on. Most of all, wait for the man who will love you only second to Jesus Christ."

The last few posts haven't been original thought I must admit, but I keep finding things that I want to share. This came from a random chicks website and I thought it was pretty good. She'd been asking the question where has Chivalry gone! It was funny that I read it especially since I had been talking about that very thing with a friend on Saturday night.
I spose you could say that she is more on the traditional side of things. The guy should be the one chasing the girl. He should make the effort to get to know her more if he's interested and 'pursue' her in general.

While I like the sound of that, the reality is that some guys are chicken. They're as afraid of rejection as we girls are. I guess too personality plays a big role in how a guy would act while chasing a girl.
While I'm not totally opposed to being the chaser, the girl in me would love to be chased.
One thing I do wonder about is how guys feel about being chased. Are they opposed to it? Or do they like the idea of having a girl after them? Obviously everyone is different and at the moment there's really only one person that I'm concerned with! Unfortunately he's proving to be very difficult to read so I'm just going to keep on with the little things and we'll see what happens.

I guess though based on the quote at the beginning of this post, you could argue that if he is the one then he'll go after you til he gets you.


Anonymous said...

Really just wanted to see what happens when you comment on someones blog! I can't believe your stealing my ideas, i could so sue you!!! Nah joking.... Your great sarah, wait to be chased!!! For a guy that want you so much he willing to follow you to the end of the earth, 'cos you deserve that! And more than that, don't settle for less than you want and less than you deserve!
Love Yah!! God Bless!

Sarah said...

Thanks Elle,
Kinda hope whoever he is starts this chase sooner rather than later!! haha