

I've been rather quiet this week, haven't posted at all. It's been kinda strange I guess. Sunday was Mothers Day, so we had plans to go out for lunch, Mum text me though to say she was with Ash at the hospital! He had been having these bad headaches and vomitting and he'd developed a fever too. After spending the day there he was sent home still not knowing what was wrong. He has a low white blood, which is a concern but meningitis which was the biggest worry was ruled out. I spent Monday at home with him. I wasn't feeling too good either so it was a good excuse to be at home. We watched TV and made Scoobies and I baked a couple of things.
Rach came up from Wellington on Monday morning so we arranged to meet up for dinner on Tuesday. We had Indian at Handi in Titirangi. It was nice to have a proper catch up as we didn't get much of a chance to talk at my birthday. Tonight we're going to GPK with Amber and Isaac! Looking forward to it.
One exciting thing that happened today is that I bought a laptop!! It's a Dell. The only bummer is that it's going to take up to 10 days to arrive. I'm such a girl too - I got an extra coloured shell for it. Kinda like a phone face plate! It's this nice bright blue colour. So I can swap between the silver and white combo and blue! My boss was giving me crap, he asked me if it makes it go better? ... My answer, "OF COURSE!! But it'd go better if it came in Pink!" He just laughed at me. They sucked me in didn't they.
The weekend is fast approaching! It's been a short week for me but I still can't wait.

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