

The number of posts that I've put up today should be an indicator of something... I'm bored. It's really really quiet at work today! Both of us on reception have been very busy tapping away at the keyboard typing emails most of the day! Isn't there something you could be doing? One might ask? Possibly yes, but nothing super urgent that can't wait until tomorrow. Everything that needs to be done today has been, which is the most important thing.

When I came in this morning the lady that I spend most of my time working with here, told me that her uncle in Fiji passed away over the weekend. He had been sick and she was planning a trip later in the month to see him for a last time. I obviously felt for her, but sort of realised I wasn't entirely sure what to say to her. I've been working here for close to 18 months now, 5-6 days a week, I've spent a lot of my life in this building, at this desk next to her. I sort of felt as though I should have been able to offer her more than I did. Perhaps it's just our culture here in New Zealand. Not wanting to get too close to people outside of our immediate circles of family and friends. It's obviously something worth thinking about. Being more outward than inwardly focussed.

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