
Sometimes people make mistakes that aren't funny but still make you laugh - even though you know you shouldn't be laughing. Sometimes though people make mistakes that are just plain funny and you are within your rights to die laughing.

Yesterday I had one of those times where I think I was entitled to laugh.

It was a situation where an email was sent out to a whole group of people. Doesn't sound that funny so far does it. The main body of the email was meant to go out to the people it went to, but it was the extra email at the bottom of the page that was the funny part.

The receivers of this email were treated to corrospondence between the sender and his new secret girlfriend. Not a secret anymore though is it! It was the silly sort of thing you'd expect from this particular individual. Firstly to even have a 'secret' girlfriend and secondly to make such a dumb mistake like send their emails out to so many people.

Because of the nature of my relationship with this guy I felt I could laugh about it. It was really the only thing I could do. If I'm honest with myself though, it was actually a sucky way to find out. Better knowing though, right?

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