
Black Outs

What a busy Monday! On my way to work yesterday all the traffic lights were out - from Pt Chev all the way to Onehunga, not a single set were working. When I got into work the girls were sitting at the desk in darkness. Reports started trickling through that there'd been an issue at the big Otahuhu sub station and the whole city from Manukau to Avondale was without power and it could be 3 hours before it would be restored. We re-scheduled the morning appointments but left the afternoon ones thinking we'd be fine after 12. But no, 1pm rolled around and we were still without power so the boss kindly let us go home. I was so thankful... I never would have guessed just how cold it gets in our building without the heating.

The whole drama was rather third world. It's laughable that the biggest city in the country was virtually crippled all because 1 wire broke and fell in an 'unfortunate' way.

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