
Update # 1

I wrote this update on 20th Feb and sent it out via email. Thought I'd throw it up here too...

Here I am sitting on my bed on a Friday night. The end of my third week in Hamilton.

It has been a whirl wind of sorts. Some days it seems that there aren't enough hours in the day, while I wish that I could chop parts of other days out to speed things along.
I was thrown into the deep end, with last Saturday being our first big event for the year. Each year Word of Life hosts a Youth Leaders training day for youth leaders of all ages from around the North Island. It is always a fantastic day, I remember coming to one myself a few years back. The day ran really well and it was a good chance for me to meet people that WOL works closely with as well as catch up with old friends.

We had a staff retreat this week. We drove off to a farm in the middle of nowhere. It was peaceful and quite pretty. We spent the evening boxing and bowling against each other on a Nintendo Wii. Nothing like good 'ole competition to build team spirit!! On the serious side of things, we spent some great time praying together and encouraging one another. We also spent time going over goals for the ministry for the year and making plans to achieve them. Pathways prepared me for this!!!

I feel like I am beginning to get a handle on things around the office. There are times when the phone is ringing and I'm silently praying I'll know the answer to whatever question they may have.

One of the extra ministry things that I'll be involved with this year is Bible in Schools! This is something totally new to me. What isn't new is the cheeky class of Year 6 and 7's at the school we work in. I think it'll be a fun new challenge for me. Tom has worked hard to build a good relationship with the staff and students at this school. I'm excited about this and have put the idea of going on a camp or two in the back of my mind. Also might see about going and doing some extra volunteering there.

As I'm still raising support so that I can work full time, Tom and I are trying to work out how my hours are going to work. He's suggested working 5 days on busy weeks and banking up the days off to use in quieter weeks. Sounds good at first but I really need a full-time income now and the unpredictable hours at WOL will make it tricky to find a part time job. This is a definite pray point for me!

Flatting life is beginning to settle down a bit now. All four of us are now here. 3 of us were up too late last night talking and laughing together. I really needed that. I have a quiet weekend ahead. I had a surprise visit from Andrew and Lorne on their way home from block course today. Their half serious offer to jump in the van and come to Auckland for the weekend was very tempting.

Jono made some cute prayer cards for me (not sure if prayer cards are meant to be 'cute' - but mine are).
There are a stack at Lincoln Road and I also have some with me here. Grab one and put it on your fridge! If you haven't got one let me know and we'll soon fix that!
I guess it's late and I should attempt sleep.

Please pray for ...
Support raising/part time job in the meantime
Settling into my flatNew friends (I'd really like some) - this would help with the slight lonely feeling that's nagging at me too.

Praise for... A pretty good start
A great house The financial support that has been pledged so far
The few good friends that I do have here


Izak Flash Man said...

Ah I see you have taken on a copious pictures format! I like! Lots of pictures are good pictures. Unless they're all boring, in which case it isn't good.
Whats the "Bernie" by the way?

Sarah said...

Hmm the Bernie. Check with Lorne on Sunday when I'm there. Yes that's right...Sunday when I'm there!!!!!!