

Think about this...

1 John 3:17 says, "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but also has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?"

For John there's no mention of a sinless brother or sister in need. His teaching is far more blunt - their need defines our obligation. It's a matter of God's love, not human evaluation or judgement.

I reach out to people because God has loved me and has asked me to love others in return, not because the people I am loving are "worthy" of love or because they'll thank me for it in the end. It's not for me to make judgements about their "worthiness". I don't know how I could do that anyway. It's for me to love God by loving others.

God is always worthy of being obeyed and served, so when I act out of obedience to him, the person who receives my service doesn't have to be deserving - they're benefitting from what I owe God.

From 'Sacred Marriage' by Gary Thomas.

Just do it. Just love. Just serve. Don't put conditions on it. Be generous with your time and what you have.

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