
Worry wart...

I feel like blogging... I have so much other stuff to do though. I just feel there is something in my head that I need to get out. I just don't know where to start though. Sometimes too I question the appropriatness of what I blog. I'd hate to say something here that offends or over steps the mark or whatever. But at the same time I'm not even sure who reads it. And then that makes me think why I even bother with this, why not keep a regular old journal?


My big struggle at the moment is having expectations of people. It's not fair of me to have any sort of expectation about how people behave or whatever. It just isn't my right. However, when you are friends with people who profess certain things it naturally lends to a particular way of thinking about them. It's this perhaps unfair 'boxing' of them that leads to the disappointment that comes when they do something outside of the box.

Hmm, I just said that I'm struggling with expectations I have of people. I think it's actually that I'm more worried about the expectations that have naturally arisen because of the nature of our friendship, looking like a judgement on them or their actions. This isn't the case at all. What people get up to is none of my business. Sometimes I'd rather not know, what is it that people say all too often, "Ignorance is bliss." For me in the situation I'm in now, this would definately be the case. Not knowing would save me the trouble of all this worry.

I over think stuff all the time. I'm worried now that the actions of a friend are really just the signs of something deeper troubling them. I worry cause I care and I'm disappointed because I care. I feel guilty because I wonder if I could have changed the situation.

This worry brings me to another problem!!! The fact that I'm worrying at all! I shouldn't be and I know that. I need to lose this save the world mentality. I need to stop being so naive! Stuff happens. Get over it, Sarah.

1 comment:

Izak Flash Man said...

Who reads this blog? Your future employers, thats who. So you better watch what you say girl or you will be a person of shame at your next job. Dun dun dun. Woops, that wasn't very comforting.

Ignorance is bliss, only when you don't know that theres something to be worried about. So as long as your completely unaware you'l be fine. Either that or it would be a million times worse if you knew everything about everyone.