

I really enjoy reading and I've read a few books lately. Just finshed reading 'In Her Shoes' yesterday which the recent movie of the same name was based. I saw the movie first and really enjoyed that. I saw the book for sale at the big red shed and got it with the intention of reading it over the summer! It ended up lower on my list of reading priorities and I picked it up a couple of weeks ago. It was an easy read, which is nice sometimes!

The other book I'm reading at the moment is an autobiography by Ngaire ?Something, just forgotten her name! She was born an Exclusive Brethern and she tells her story of growing up in that environment and then as she gets older rebelling and eventually leaving the sect. I'm about halfway through. It's an interesting read so far. You only really hear bits and pieces about the Exclusives so it's interesting reading the facts from someone who has been in it. She has taken a 'responsible' approach to writing the book too, she tells the facts of living live in the Exclusive Brethern church and no matter how strange she felt the church was she doesn't really bash it. I think she finds it quite sad that the people in the church really believe that the way they are is right.

I'm looking forward to finshing the book and finding out how she got out of the church.

I finshed the Frontier Dr books that I posted about last week. Glad to have them behind me.

The next few books on my shopping list are Francine Rivers new one 'The Prophet' a historical ficton book about Amos and Karen Kingsburys next installment of her Firstborn series.

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