I'm a little surprised at myself! I have hardly posted anything on here this whole month. I'll have to make up for it next week. I'll have to do a weekend review on Monday - if anything worth writing about happens that is.
I've been reading heaps lately. Mostly fiction. The book I'm on at the moment is the third in a series of three.

Ok so the image is a little small, but it's pretty obvious that it's a nice happy christian novel. 'The Heart Remembers' is the title. I'm reading it as fast as I can, not because it's a fantastic book and I'm really enjoying it. But actually the complete opposite. I picked up the first book on the cheap, and it's pretty clear why it was on sale. They're really not well written at all. Infact, although its a 'dramatic' thing to say about a book, they've been painful to read. Some may ask, why buy book 2 and 3 then? Easy answer - I want to know what happens to Dr Dane and his nurse assistant wife Tharyn! I've got about a 1/4 left to go and then I'm done. Thankfully I have something decent to read next!
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