
Dream come true

At the end of last year I got to fulfil a dream I have had since I was a girl. In December while I was in India I got to visit the Taj Mahal. An assignment in Primary School first got me into India and I knew that one day I wanted to go there myself and especially see the Taj Mahal.

My fascination with India has changed somewhat over the years as I learnt more about it, had friends visit and live there and made friends with people from India. It lived up to all I had heard!

From start to finish the trip was amazing. There were things I saw that were uncomfortable, heartbreaking and beautiful. Some things were hard to believe and others very believable.

I have put up a few pictures from my whirlwind trip in the previous two posts. They don't do it justice though.


Bran said...

Hi, Sarah! Thanks for commenting on our blog! You're welcome anytime! Great to hear from you and see your pictures as well. Check out our blog now....you might get something fun from India!!!

Cilla said...

Hey girl..Just letting you know that I still read your blog...I have even updated mine a few times recently. Love you! Cilla x