
"Are you sure you've got the right job next year Sarah?"

Jono very sarcastically asked me this last night after I read out the description of my personality type at our Philippines meeting. We were all a little shocked at first, it was more sarcastic than Jono usually is!

He only joked about it because of how freakishly accurate it was! We did the Meyer-Briggs test. I came out as Extrovert, Sensing, border-line Thinker/Feeler and Judging. ESTJ.

The description in our book said...
Practical, realistic, matter-of-fact, with a natural head for business or mechanics. Not interested in subjects they see no use for but can apply themselves when necessary. Likes to organise and run activities. May make good administrators, especially if they remember to consider others' feelings and points of view.
Combine that with parts of the description of an ESFJ
Warm-hearted, talkative, popular, conscientious, born co-operators, active committee members. Needs harmony and may be good at creating it. Always doing something nice for someone. Works best with encouragement and praise. Little interest in abstract thinking or technical subjects. Main interest is in things which directly and visibly affect people's lives.

It's so me.

Crazy how you can answer 120 questions and come out with something so accurate. It wasn't just this way for me but for all of us. While it may seem to some people like a waste of time figuring all these things out, it really was helpful for us to find out these things about each other. For 3 weeks we'll be living in each other's pockets. We don't have that buffer of the polite getting to know each other stage. We already know the annoying things! This means conflicts could come pretty quickly. Hopefully having a few little insights into our personalities will help us to take a step back and think about why someone may act or react in a certain way. It's all about being understanding.

Also this little description of people like me was another confirmation that I am doing the right thing next year.

Thanks God for the small reminders that you are in control!

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