

It's nice to know that people care enough about me to ask what my plans are for next year. But I mean seriously, it's still a whole six months away. I obviously need to have some idea before then, but to be thinking hard about it now seems almost silly. Why should I be stressing myself out about it now. The chances are that it'll change between now and then anyway.
I feel that in all the questioning there are certain expectations from different people about what I SHOULD do. I understand that the reasons for this are things like they can see some of my strengths and weaknesses and therefore form opinions about what I would be good at. At the same time though, I feel a certain amount of pressure in the suggestions. Or, maybe it's frustration! Frustration that other people can see things about me that I can't or even don't want to see. Frustration that I feel like I haven't got a handle on life and what I'm doing. I know for sure that there is fear somewhere in all of this. I don't want to make the wrong decision, or fail at something. I also don't want to let 'people' down and most of all God.

Something just dawned on me... is this worry? Am I worrying? Is it wasted energy? Am I doing something Jesus teaches against?
Quite possibly, but it's also something I have to face and deal with. Afterall in 6 months this course will be all over and I will have to do something.

Once again I feel a strong sense that I need to rely on God. He has brought me this far and will continue to carry me into the future he has planned for me. I feel I am being reminded to seek wisdom from him and to remember that even if the decision I make isn't the 'best' one, he will still go with me.
Thank you father.


Anonymous said...

I am so with you on this one!!!! Man people seem to think it affects THEM in some huge way about what I am going to be doing next year! and i have no idea wat im going to do either so we can trust God together. Chin up, something will work out.

Anonymous said...

Urrm I did write u a comment but i dont think it's showing up :( sorry

Sarah said...

I had to publish the comments before they'd show up!
It's so great to know God has everything sorted.